


Date:Aug 30, 2021


hifir4py is the Python3 interface of the HIFIR (Hybrid Incomplete Factorization with Iterative Refinement) preconditioner, which is originally written in C++. HIFIR is desiable for preconditioning ill-conditioned and (potentially) singular systems to seek least-squares and/or the pseudoinverse solutions.


One can install hifir4py using pip, i.e.,

pip3 install hifir4py --user

In addition, refer to https://github.com/hifirworks/hifir4py/releases for archives of different versions.

For Windows users, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or Cygwin.

Copyrights & Licenses

hifir4py is developed and maintained by the NumGeom Research Group at Stony Brook University.

This software suite is released under a dual-license model. For academic users, individual users, or open-source software developers, you can use HIFIR under the AGPLv3+ license free of charge for research and evaluation purpose. For commercial users, separate commercial licenses are available through the Stony Brook University. For inqueries regarding commercial licenses, please contact Prof. Xiangmin Jiao at xiangmin.jiao@stonybrook.edu.

How to Cite hifir4py

If you use HIFIR (including hifir4py) in your research for nonsingular systems, please cite the following paper.

    author  = {Chen, Qiao and Ghai, Aditi and Jiao, Xiangmin},
    title   = {{HILUCSI}: Simple, robust, and fast multilevel {ILU} for
               large-scale saddle-point problems from {PDE}s},
    journal = {Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.},
    year    = {2021},
    doi     = {10.1002/nla.2400}

If you use our work in solving ill-conditioned and singular systems, we recommend you to cite the following papers.

    author  = {Xiangmin Jiao and Qiao Chen},
    journal = {arxiv},
    title   = {Approximate generalized inverses with iterative refinement
              for $\epsilon$-accurate preconditioning of singular systems},
    year    = {2020},
    note    = {arXiv:2009.01673}

    author  = {Chen, Qiao and Jiao, Xiangmin},
    title   = {{HIFIR}: Hybrid incomplete factorization with iterative
               refinement for preconditioning ill-conditioned and singular
    journal = {arxiv},
    year    = {2021},
    note    = {arXiv:2106.09877}


  1. Qiao Chen, qiao.chen@stonybrook.edu
  2. Xiangmin Jiao, xiangmin.jiao@stonybrook.edu


All noticeable changes are documented in this file.

v0.1.0 (2021-08-30)

This is the official release based on HIFIR v0.1.0.