Demo for using hifir4py with SciPy’s GMRES

Demo for using hifir4py with SciPy’s GMRES

Demo for using hifir4py with SciPy’s GMRES

In this example, we show how to use hifir4py HIFIR preconditioner coupling with the built-in GMRES solver in SciPy. The example system is a saddle-point formulation of 3D Stokes equation with Taylor-Hood elements.

import numpy as np
from import loadmat
from hifir4py import *
# load the MATFILE from
f = loadmat("demo_inputs/data.mat")
A = f["A"]
b = f["b"].reshape(-1)

Let’s show some basic information of the system, including shape, nnz, and leading block symmetry

# A is scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
print("The system shape is {}, where the nnz is {}".format(A.shape, A.nnz))
The system shape is (2990, 2990), where the nnz is 44632

Now, let’s build the preconditioenr \(\boldsymbol{M}\) with more aggressive options, i.e. droptol for L and U factors is 1e-2, condest for L, U, and D is 5, and \(\alpha\) for L and U is 3.

M = HIF()
params = Params()
params['tau_L'] = params['tau_U'] = 0.01
params['kappa'] = params['kappa_d'] = 5.0
params['alpha_L'] = params['alpha_U'] = 3
M.factorize(A, params=params)

With the preconditioenr successfully been built, let’s print out some basic information

print("M levels are {}, with nnz {}".format(M.levels, M.nnz))
M levels are 2, with nnz 114848

Now, we solve with the built-in flexible GMRES solver in SciPy. Notice that the GMRES in SciPy is left-preconditioned, which is not recommended.

from scipy.sparse.linalg import gmres
iters = 0
def counter(res=None):
    global iters
    iters += 1
    print("At iteration {}, residual is {}".format(iters, res))
x, flag = gmres(A, b, M=M.to_scipy(), callback=counter)
At iteration 1, residual is 0.03726697689855636
At iteration 2, residual is 0.004555930822500451
At iteration 3, residual is 0.0005254851747732505
At iteration 4, residual is 4.8775926768822654e-05
At iteration 5, residual is 4.3329265915834745e-06
At iteration 6, residual is 3.830896351600058e-07
print("solver done, flag={}, res={}".format(flag, np.linalg.norm(
solver done, flag=0, res=3.7186961167705056e-07